Thursday, May 31

Half Term Homework

You have three homework tasks this half term.

1. The spelling test will be on Monday 11th June.

2. You need to write another newspaper article for Gwladys Friday. Be sure to check your last article for the comments I gave you and ensure you act on them. This is due in on Monday 11th June.

3. For your learning log homework you need to present something on Turkey. I do not want any more fact files as some of your learning logs are full of these. Be creative and do a collage, newspaper article, letter, advert or something more imaginative. I expect a high level of presentation and creativity on this. This is due in on Friday 15th June.

Have a good half term everyone.

5T at the Jubilee Disco

Click on the heading of the blog post to see the photos

Friday, May 18


Your homework for this weekend is to write a newspaper article online. It could be on any topic of your choice. You may wish to cover sport, international news, an event happening in Wales, news about an animal or any article of your choice.

Have a look at he news for some ideas but it is important you write it in your own words.

Remember to include:
A headline
A byline
An introduction with who, when, where and what
The main body separated into paragraphs
And quotes (you could interview people you know)

The text needs to be written on the class Moodle page. I cannot wait to see what you come up with. This is due in Tuesday.

Mr T

Thursday, May 17


I have good news for everyone. Mrs Evans liked the newspaper, so much so we can add more pages and sell it next Friday. This means we have time to put up the posters and create a real buzz. See you tomorrow!

Monday, May 14

Apple Store Trip

We have been given the wonderful opportunity to attend the Apple Store again. Letters were given out today.

The trip costs £5 and we will be leaving at 7.45 on Wednesday. Thank you for your understanding about the late notice but this was an opportunity we could not turn down.

Mr T

Sunday, May 6


Don't forget to write your spellings in your spelling books on the weekend and bring it in on Tuesday
