Friday, March 4

Tesco Vouchers

It's that time of year again when Tesco are running their Clubs and Schools vouchers scheme. Last year we raised over 33,000 vouchers but would love to beat it this year. Please hand any vouchers into reception or a class teacher. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, February 2

Maths Page

Remember, you will get 5 merits on Friday if you complete the bar chart activity on the mathematics page in the learner zone.

Choir Page

I am glad to see you all enjoying the choir page. Keep practising and I look forward to our practice next week.

Tuesday, February 1


Make sure bring in your reading books tomorrow so they can be changed. Mrs Timbrell will be in so we should be able to go over to the library.

Tuesday, January 11

PE Kit

Remember to bring in your PE kit for tomorrow. You need a white or red t shirt and black shorts. We are going to be indoors all term so you do not need trainers

Friday, January 7

End of the week

What a week! I am so impressed with your projects this week, you have worked very hard. If you want to bring any work in for your presentation on Monday, you can. We will be going to Forest School on Tuesday afternoon so remember your wellies, jeans and a warm and waterproof coat. Have a good weekend.

Mr T

Thursday, January 6


Don't forget to bring your library books and cards tomorrow so you can change them.

Tuesday, January 4

Reading books

Please could everyone bring in their reading books to change this week please
