Saturday, December 25

Merry Christmas

A very merry Christmas to you all. I hope you have lots of fun and enjoy the time with your family.

Mr T

Thursday, December 23

Track Santa

Christmas is almost here and bet you are all excited!

Don't forget, you can track Santa on the website below, but don't be afraid to sleep before he gets to you!

Friday, December 17

Merry Christmas

Have a fantastic Christmas everyone and be safe. Don't forget, you can use your ePals account from home and keep in touch with each other.

Merry Christmas to you and your family

Mr Timbrell

Wednesday, December 15

Christmas Play

Well done everyone, you were amazing; I couldn't be prouder! The singing was beautiful and the acting was hysterical.

You have made me a happy teacher


Don't forget to bring in your dreams letters tomorrow so you can take part in the visitor's lesson

Monday, December 6


Well done to everyone who has brought in their costumes. If you haven't yet, don't forget to bring it in tomorrow as we're hoping to have a dress rehearsal this week.
