Wednesday, December 23
Santa's Journey
Friday, December 18
Merry Christmas
other using email and remember to let me know what Santa Brings you all!
Tuesday, December 15
Days of the year
30 days hath September,
April, June and November
All the rest have 31
Except for February alone
Wednesday, December 9
Christmas Trees
this tradition came from?
Tuesday, December 8
Reading books & Mrs Timbrell
Also, Mrs Timbrell will be in so if you have any cards for her the day
to bring them in is tomorrow.
Friday, December 4
Spelling Test
Tuesday, December 1
was still saying how brilliant it was an hour later. Mrs Moorman, Miss Wood and myself are the proudest teachers in the world today! I look forward to seeing you at your best again tomorrow!
Monday, November 30
your words, we need to hear you and have time to laugh at the jokes.
See you all tomorrow!
Friday, November 27
Wednesday, November 25
Christmas Fayre
Well done to Kieron who finally won food for his Dad and brother after
A LOT of attempts on my stall!
Sunday, November 22
your address or bring it in on a piece of paper if you can't remember it
Friday, November 20
Commenting on the Blogs
This was a problem we were having in school as well. The best solution is to download Firefox, it is a browser that can be used instead of Internet Explorer. It is much more secure and provides a better browsing experience. I use it at home and we now use it in school; we now have a much more reliable time on the internet.
You can download it from
Click on free download and press next or install to all the instructions. Once it's installed you can use it exactly like internet explorer but it is a much better browser.
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Mr Timbrell
Thursday, November 19
pleased how it's coming together. Try to get your costumes in as soon
as possible so we can do a dress rehearsal.
Monday, November 16
Jeremiah Obadiah Jackenory Jones
definitely one of my favourites.
What was your favourite character or part of the book?
Letter Writing
so get learning your address ready for Wednesday. I will have a copy
of all your addresses but it's also important that you try and learn it.
Saturday, November 14
Thursday, November 12
Christmas Concert
today; it's got me all in the Christmas mood! Make sure if you have a
script at home that you are practising as much as you can, you should
know most, if not all of it by next week.
Wednesday, November 11

Tuesday, November 10
so that they know what costumes you need. You have plenty of time to
get them sorted but if you have any questions remember to ask, or get
your parents to contact the school. You can always email me at
Monday, November 9
for your character, descriptions and what happens ready for tomorrow.
Remember, we are writing a fairy tale so it needs to end 'Happily ever
Sunday, November 8
X Factor
the twins' version. Who do you think is going?
Thursday, November 5
Long Weekend
tomorrow preparing to help you even more.
I hope you have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday. What have
you got planned? Add a comment to the blog to let me know.
You'll have the spellings and a small task by email tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 4
Homework task
have a hard time getting on the Pc's now!
Monday, November 2
Where has half term gone?
we were getting ready for Halloween.
I hope you all had a fun but most of all safe half term, I'm sure I'll
hear about it all today.
I know many of you have been working hard at your castles. Check your
email if you need a reminder of what to do.
See you all in class
Friday, October 23
Pumpkin Ball & Half Term
I'll be sending you an email tomorrow with a reminder of the home school castle project just in case you lose the sheet. It's due in on Thursday 5th November.
Have a great half term everyone and I'll look forward to hearing about what you get up to (and talking about the two weeks of x factor results)
Mr Timbrell
Wednesday, October 21
Don't forget to return the form you had today if your parents want to find out more about email and Blogs.
The hour course for parents is open to anyone and will be on Wed 4th November from 3.30 to 4.30. If you are interested, please fill in the form your child received today and send it into school Asap
Thank you
Mr Timbrell
Tuesday, October 20
The United Kingdom
Monday, October 19
You worked fantastically today, keep it up. Remember to practise the
welsh names of the common shapes.
Square - sgwar
Rectangle - Petryal
Circle - Cylch
Triangle - Triongl
Sunday, October 18
Saturday, October 17
X Factor
Mr Timbrell
Friday, October 16
Use your epals email as the username and the password stgwladys
Mr Timbrell
Thursday, October 15
Almost the weekend
Mr Timbrell
Wednesday, October 14
Tuesday, October 13
Caerphilly Castle
Don't forget, we'll be writing a report on our visit as part of our English work
Mr Timbrell
Monday, October 12
Caerphilly Castle
A donation of £1.50 is requested as a contribution to the transport
Thank you
Mr I Timbrell